ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

3D Content in PDF Files

Users can now embed interactive 3D designs directly into PDF documents. Using Adobe Reader 7.0 or later, you can view, navigate, and interact with the 3D content. Where 3D content is included, it will contain any visualization data and settings that already exist within the design file, such as lights, materials, texture maps, and animation or camera movement (flythroughs). Additionally, non-graphical business items contained in the 3D design file can be included in PDF documents.

Any 3D content within a PDF document is stored in "Universal 3D" (U3D) format. This format was introduced by the 3D Industry Forum as a means for transferring three-dimensional data from CAD systems to mainstream applications such as marketing, training, sales, technical support and customer service.

To embed an interactive 3D design into a PDF document, you can print the 3D design geometry to a PDF file.